Encrypting Password Values

Note: The information in this section is applicable for an app executable only.

When entering passwords on the command line or in a file, it is always a good idea to encrypt their values for security reasons. Flogo has a utility that you can use to encrypt passwords.

Before you begin You must have the password to be encrypted handy to run the utility.
To encrypt a password, run the following:
  1. Open a command prompt or a terminal.
  2. Navigate to the location of the app executable and run the following command:
    ./<app_executable> --encryptsecret <value_to_be_encrypted>
    The command outputs the encrypted value, which you can use when setting the password in a file or setting the password from the command line or using environment variables. For example, export PASSWORD="SECRET:t90Ixj+QYCMFbqCEo/UnELlPPhrClMzv".

    Note that the password value is enclosed in double-quotes. Since special characters (such as `! | <, >, &, `) are shell command directives, if such characters appear in the encrypted string, using double quotes around the encrypted value directs your system to treat them as literal characters. Also, the encrypted value must be preceded by SECRET:

    Keep in mind that when you run the env command to list the environment variables, the command does not output the environment variable for the password.