Find And Replace Block Text

Use the Find & Replace tab on the flow workspace to update text in your blocks. Find & Replace searches for user-specified text in block names, labels, error messages, field mappings, filters, match criteria, and expressions.

Note: If text in a field mapping on the Block Properties Fields tab is replaced, the new text could break the flow. For example, if you change the Connection Alias for a results field and you have mapped that results field, TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect generates an error when the flow runs.

When using Find & Replace, note the following:

Find Tab

Advanced Find/Replace Tab

Field Definition

Find - Enter the text you want to find and select the icon to initiate the search.


Replace - Enter the replacement text.

Select All

Selects all of the rows found with the text entered in the Find field.

Regular Expressions - Enable or disable the use of Regular Expressions.

Replace Selected - Replaces occurrences of the text in the Find field in the rows that are selected.


Searches the following locations for the text defined in the Find field:

All - All locations listed here.

Exp/Map/Filters - Expressions, such as If/Else, Field mappings, block filters, and Match Criteria.

Names - Block names.

Descriptions - Block descriptions.

Labels - Block labels.

Error Msgs - Error messages on Block Error Handling tab.


Search options include:

Contains - Contains the text defined in the Find field.

Starts with - Begins with the text in the Find field.

Ends with - Ends with the text in the Find field.

Casing - Toggle between:

Insensitive - Ignores upper and lower case of the text in the Find field.

Sensitive - Searches for text that matches the case of the text in the Find field.


Name of the block where the text was found.


Location within the block where the text was found, such as Mappings or Block Name.


Text found by the search.

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On Schedule App Flows

Working With Blocks