Formula Editor Operators

In addition to the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect functions, you can type any of the following operators into the formula editing pane:

Operator Type

Symbol And Definition


+ Add

- Subtract

* Multiply

/ Divide


& Concatenate two strings. Similar to the CONCATENATE function.


&& AND. Similar to AND function.

|| OR. Similar to OR function.


= Equals

<> Does not equal

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to

Additional syntax

( Starts a subsection of a formula

) Closes a subsection of a formula

, Separates a list of function parameters

Notes On Using Operators

You can use Source Entity Fields and constants with operators.

Using =

The equal sign (=) is only used to compare values; for example:

(MyEntity.A = MyEntity.B) 

It is not needed to contain the value returned from an arithmetic formula. For example:

 (MyEntity.Cost + MyEntity.Tax) MyEntityTotalCost

Using + And &

Following are some examples of how the add and concatenate (&) operators work with string and numeric data:

"TWO" + "1" = record error
"2" + "1" = 3
2 + 1 = 3
"TWO" & 1 = "TWO1"
"2" & "1" = "21"
2 & 1 = "21"
Note: When concatenating fields, if one field is Null, the Null field is treated as an empty string and ignored.

Using Comparison And Logical Operators

In general, logical and comparison operators are most useful in formulas for which the target field is Boolean. They can resolve to True or False.

For example:

(MyEntity.State = "NH" && MyEntity.PostalCode = "03104")

Returns: TRUE if, in the source data for the record, the State = NH and PostalCode = 03104. Otherwise, returns FALSE.

IF(MyEntity.CreditBalance >= MyEntity.CreditLimit, "Credit Over Limit", "Credit OK")

Returns: The value "Credit Over Limit" if the credit balance is greater than or equal to the credit limit; otherwise, returns "Credit OK".

Related Topics

Formula Editor Overview