Enabling the Execution History Service for an Organization with the API

Use the Platform API to enable the Execution History service for a specific organization. Execution History is a log of activities for an execution instance of an app that displays on the Execution History tab of the App Details page for a specific app.

Execution History is enabled by default for TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect apps. See Viewing Execution History for more information.

To enable Execution History you need the following: 

  1. If you have not already done so, configure and start a Hybrid agent.
  2. Use the POST /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/exechist method to enable the Execution History service for a specific organization.

    This is an asynchronous call.

  3. Use the GET ​/v1​/subscriptions​/{subscriptionLocator}​/exechist to return the status of the Execution History Service.

TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Apps

Example of the model for the POST request : 

    "appType": "bw",
    "dbType": "mysql",
    "dbHost": "",
    "dbPort": "3306",
    "dbName": "database1",
    "dbUser": "user123",
    "dbPass": "password123"

Sending Execution History data to an Oracle database is supported only using proxy mode. For more information on using proxy mode see Configuring a Database for On-Premises TIBCO BusinessWorks™ App Execution History. Use the following model for the POST request: 

    "appType": "bw",
    "dbType": "proxy",
    "dbHost": "",
    "dbPort": "8089",
Note: In this model, dbHost and dbPort are the IP address and port of the BWCE Mon container respectively and not those of the Oracle Database.

For more information see, Enabling Execution History for TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Apps Running On-premises.

TIBCO Flogo® Apps

Example of the model for the POST request : 

"dbPort": "5432",

For more information, see Enabling Execution History for Apps.

SSL Certificates

Uploading SSL certificates when enabling Execution History is supported by uploading the certificate as a base64 encoded string in the POST request.


Sample Model

Use the following model for uploading certificates as an example.

Note: The certificate strings in this example have been trimmed for display purposes and are incomplete.
  "dbType": "postgres",
  "dbHost": "<DB_HOST>",
  "dbPort": "<DB_PORT>",
  "dbName": "<DB_NAME>",
  "dbUser": "<DB_USERNAME>",
  "dbPass": "<DB_PASSWORD_HERE>",
  "dbMaxOpenConnection": "33",
  "tlsMode": "two-way",

Role Requirements

Related Topics

Managing an Organization with the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration API

Viewing Execution History Service Status for an Organization with the API

Disabling the Execution History Service for an Organization with the API