Implementing Advanced Mock Response Data

You can customize your response data by using the JavaScript code such as return request related information, set HTTP code, or response body.

To add the advanced response data:

  1. Go to the Mock App Details Page for a running Mock app.
  2. Click the Implementation tab.
  3. Click Switch to Advanced Responses to add your JavaScript code.
  4. Move the mouse pointer over the code section, and then click Edit.
  5. Enter your JavaScript code. The following two objects are available to use:
    • req Object: use this object to fetch request related data such as path, query parameters and so on.
    • res Object: use this object to define the HTTP status code and response body.
    The following code sample shows how to return different mock data based on the path parameter:
     var pathparams = req.params;
     if (pathparams.petId === '1') {
     	res.status = 200;
     	res.body = {
             id: 1,
             name: 'cat',
             status: 'available'
         } else if (pathparams.petId === '2') {
         res.status = 200;
         res.body = {
             id: 2,
             name: 'dog',
             status: 'not available'
         } else {
         res.status = 404;
         res.body = {
            error: 'no pet found'
    The following code sample shows how to get query parameter name and set response status and code:
     var name =;
     if (name === 'cat') {
     	res.status = 200;
     	res.body = {
             id: 1,
             name: 'cat',
             status: 'available'
     } else if (name === 'dog') {
     	res.status = 200;
     	res.body = {
             id: 2,
             name: 'dog',
             status: 'not available'
     } else {
     	res.status = 404;
     	res.body = {
             error: 'no pet found'
  6. If you want to clear your code, click Revert to Template Code.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Update Mock app to redeploy the Mock app. You are directed back to the Apps page.

After deploying the Mock app, you can test the app against the mock data. For more details, see Testing an API Mock App.

req Object

The following table lists the supported req methods.

Note: The following example shows the response data fetched from the req object. Assuming you have a Petstore service /pet/{petId}, which is defined with the name and size query parameters, and the GET request URL is
API Method Description Data Example
req.header Parsed request header object. {"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
req.params Get path parameters. { petId: "1" }
req.query Get parsed query string. {name: 'cat', size: 'small'}
req.querystring Get raw query string void of the question mark (?) name=cat&size=small
req.href Get full request URL, including protocol, host, and url.
req.origin Get origin of URL, including protocol and host.
req.method Request method. GET
req.body Request body. {"id": 1, "name": "cat", "status": "available"} Get host(hostname:port) when present.
req.hostnanme Get host name when present. Get a raw query string with the question mark (?). ?name=cat&size=small
req.url Get request URL. /pet/1?name=cat&size=small
req.originalUrl Get request original URL. /pet/1?name=cat&size=small
req.path Get request path name /pet/1

res Object

The following table lists the supported res methods.

API Method Description Code Example
res.status= Set response HTTP code. res.status=200
res.body= Set response body. res.body = {id: 1, name: 'cat'}
res.type= Set response content-type. res.type=application/json
res.header= Set response headers. One or more headers can be set. res.header['X-Test-Header'] = "helloHeader"