TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface Reference

The TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface (CLI) enables you to interact with TIBCO Cloud™ Integration from the command line. You can perform operations such as pushing, scaling, configuring, or monitoring apps, or configuring options for your account or organization. Commands are invoked by calling the CLI executable with a different set of arguments.

The CLI is an executable you download from TIBCO Cloud™ Integration to your machine. It is named tibcli (for Linux and macOS) or tibcli.exe (for Windows). All commands assume the tibcli executable is in the current path. For more information, see Installing the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface.

Note: Many of the same operations can be done using the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration API. For more information see the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration API help.

TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface Usage

tibcli [global options...] command [command options] [arguments...]

Global Options

Option Description
--debug, -d Enable debug logging
--help, -h Display help
--version, -v Display the CLI version


Note: For remote apps, the only commands supported are tibcli app list and tibcli app detail.


Log in the user to the TIBCO Cloud Integration server using an OAuth token.

Note: If you are currently logged into the CLI using a username and password, you must first log out before you can use an OAuth token to login.

The CLI uses OAuth 2.0 authorization with a Bearer Token. The OAuth token is associated directly with the organization you were in when you generated the token. See OAuth Access Tokens for information on generating a token for your organization.


tibcli authorize [command options]


Option Description
--token, -t The OAuth token value.


Log in:

tibcli authorize 

Log in with the token CIC~qAcgYVobxgxxsKKvXxwmPo8f :

tibcli authorize --token CIC~qAcgYVobxgxxsKKvXxwmPo8f


Log in the user to the TIBCO Cloud Integration server. A successful login stores cookies at files $HOME/.tibcli/session and $HOME/.tibcli/token, and updates the user profile at $HOME/.tibcli/profile. The files are accessible only by the user and obfuscated to be consumed only by the CLI. All other CLI commands depend on a successful login.

If you specify no arguments and you are part of multiple organizations and subscriptions, or organizations with multiple regions, a list of all organizations to which your account belongs and possible regions is shown.

Note: If you are currently logged into the CLI using an OAuth Token, you must first log out before you can use a username and password to login. See Logging out with the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface.


tibcli login [command options]


Argument Description
-u <username> The username. This is optional; by default, it is the user who downloaded the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface, or can be set to another username at the login prompt. After your first login, the username is remembered for each successive login until you log out.
-p <password>, --password <password> The password. If the password is not specified as part of the -p option then you are prompted to type it in. The -p and --password arguments are optional, but if you specify either, the password argument is mandatory.
--org, --org current, -o <orgname> If you are part of multiple organizations and subscriptions, you can specify the organization name with the --org or -o argument. Upon successful login, you can access the appps from that organization. If the organization name contains spaces, the name value must be contained in double quotes. If you specify no argument, upon successful login, a list of all organizations to which your account belongs are shown.
--region, -r If you are part of organizations with multiple regions, you can specify the region with the --region argument. For example: --region "us-east-1"


Log in:

tibcli login

Log in with the username jsmith and password joshua5 in the na-dev organization and us-east1 region:

tibcli login -u jsmith -p joshua5 --org na-dev -r us-east1


Log the user out of the TIBCO Cloud Integration server. This erases the stored cookie files session and token in the $HOME/.tibcli/ folder.


tibcli logout


If your account belongs to multiple organizations and subscriptions, show which organization and region info your current login session is using, or list all organizations and regions to which the account belongs.


tibcli org [command options]


org current

Show which organization your account is currently using.


tibcli org current

org list

Show all organizations to which your account belongs.


tibcli org list

org dbservice

Enable or disable the TIBCO Flogo® Database Connector design-time service.

The Database connector design-time service (or DBService) is a singleton user app per subscription for your organization. It enables the activities of a Database connector to be connected to your on-premise or private cloud database through the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent. The database service is accessible only by the users that belong to the organization.

The DBService requires that you enable the service using the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface, run the TIBCO Cloud Integration - Hybrid Agent on-premise, and enable the on-premise DBService in your connectors. See Using TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent to Connect TIBCO Flogo® Apps to On-premises Databases for more information.


org dbservice enable

Enable the Database Connector design-time service for the current organization.


tibcli org dbservice enable [command options]


Option Description
--accessKey, -a The TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent access key name.


Enable the DBService with the access key MyKey:

tibcli org dbservice enable --accessKey MyKey

Role Requirements

org dbservice disable

Disable the DBService for the current organization


tibcli org dbservice disable

Role Requirements

org dbservice status

Show the status of the Database Connector design time service for the current organization.


tibcli org dbservice status


Manage app-related operations for the current user.


app push

Push the app in the current directory to the TIBCO Cloud Integration server.

This command must be executed from a directory containing the app file and a manifest.json file. For TIBCO BusinessWorks apps, the manifest.json file is optional, and is automatically generated if not specified. The app file type depends on the app type. In the case of TIBCO BusinessWorks, it is an EAR file. For Node.js apps, it is a ZIP archive. apps are a JSON file.

When an app does not exist in TIBCO Cloud Integration, this command creates the app for the first time. If there is an existing app with an identical name as the app that you are trying to push to the cloud, you are prompted for confirmation. To push and replace an existing app with no warning prompt, use the --impose option.

If an app is re-pushed, any existing app properties are removed, along with any existing property overrides. app properties exported in the generated manifest on push become the new set of properties and any overrides specified on the re-push become the new set of override values. If no overrides are supplied, all properties assume their default value. You can override this behavior with the --retainAppProps or -r option. This causes any existing app property overrides to be kept.

Note: The bash shell interprets $, ` (backtick), , !, and # on the command line even when enclosed in double quotes. Use single quotes to prevent this, or use a properties file.


tibcli app push [command options] [<instanceCount>] [<appName>] [<property>=<value>] ... [<one or more pairs of app property values>]


Argument Description
instanceCount The desired number of instances of the app. If not specified, instancecount defaults to 1 or the most recent instance count for a re-push.
<property>=<value> One or more properties to override (optional). The property is specified with the syntax name=value. If values contain spaces, the value must be contained in single quotes.
appName The name of the app to push (optional). Overrides the app name in the manifest or app archive.


Option Description
--quiet, -q Do not produce any output, and immediately return without status updates. The action is completed on the server side.
--propfile, -p Applies property overrides defined in a specified file. The name of the property file can be any valid file name. See the configure command options for details on file format.
--accessKey <accessKey>, -a <accessKey> Adds a TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent access key to the app when it is pushed. This connects the app to the TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent running within your network that also uses this access key.
--retainAppProps, -r If set, when an app is re-pushed, any existing appp property overrides are kept. Note that you cannot use --propfile/-p and --retainAppProps/-r at the same time.
--impose, -i Passes over all interactions in the command. Replaces an existing app with the same name as the pushed app with no confirmation prompt or warning.


Push one instance of the app in the current directory:

tibcli app push 1

Push one instance of the app in the current directory. Override prop1 and prop2 with the values "newval" and "newval2":

tibcli app push 1 prop1="newval" prop2="newval2"

Push one instance of the app in the current directory. Override the name in the app archive with MyApp and add the TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent access key MyKey:

tibcli app push --accessKey MyKey 1 MyApp

app list

List the apps associated with the current user.


tibcli app list [command options]


Option Description
--all, -a List all apps for the current user.
--tag-t Only list apps with the specified app tag. You can specify multiple tags.


List all apps for the current user:

tibcli app list

List the current user's apps with the tag test-apps:

tibcli app list --tag test-apps

List the current user’s apps with the tags test-apps1 and test-apps2:

tibcli app list --tag test-apps1 --tag  test-apps2
Note: App tags can only be added or changed in the Web UI. See Using App Tags for more details.

app detail

Show details about a specified app.


tibcli app detail <appName>


Show app details for the the app myApp1:

tibcli app detail myApp1

app scaleup

Increase the number of instances of the specified app.


tibcli app scaleup [command options] <numberOfInstances> <appName>


Argument Description
numberOfInstances The number of app instances to add.
appName The name of the app to scale up.


Option Description
--quiet, -q Do not produce any output, and immediately return without status updates. The action is completed on the server side.


Scale up the app myApp1 by adding three instances:

tibcli app scaleup 3 myApp1

app scaledown

Decrease the number of instances of the specified app.


tibcli app scaledown [command options] <numberOfInstances> <appName>


Argument Description
numberOfInstances The number of app instances to delete.
appName The name of the app to scale down.


Option Description
--quiet, -q Do not produce any output, and immediately return without status updates. The action is completed on the server side.


Scale down the app myApp1 by one instance:

tibcli app scaledown 1 myApp1

app scaleto

Set the final instance count of the specified app.


tibcli app scaleto [command options] <numberOfInstances> <appName>


Argument Description
numberOfInstances The number of app instances to set.
appName The name of the app to scale.


Option Description
--quiet, -q Do not produce any output, and immediately return without status updates. The action is completed on the server side.


Scale the app myApp1 to three instances:

tibcli app scaleto 3 myApp1

app configure

Configure a TIBCO BusinessWorks™ App, , or Node.js app by specifying one or more property and value pairs to override default property values that were specified in the app archive or manifest.json file. The app is restarted after configuration. System (engine) variables can also be specified for TIBCO BusinessWorks™ App and apps.

This command can also be used to view the configuration of the specified app, or list the app's engine variables.

You can use the -p option to get app property values from an optional property file. The property file format corresponds to the Java property file definition, as specified in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html#load(java.io.Reader). Note that you cannot change engine variables with a properties file.

Property overrides added with the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface are additive. After the tibcli app configure command completes, property updates are merged into the existing set, either changing an existing override, adding a new override or reverting an override to its default value by providing an override consisting of the default value.

For engine variables, if the variable already exists, the new value overrides the existing value. If the variable does not exist, a new customer-defined engine variable with the string data type is created.

App property overrides only support the datatypes of string, boolean, password, integer and datetime. In particular, the datetime string must take the UTC format, such as 2021-01-20T19:51:39-04:00.

You can set password properties by using the TIBCO BusinessWorks obfuscated format. For password properties, values are not shown when viewing app properties. Values are displayed as ******.

Engine variables can only be of the type string. When you create an engine variable, the description field is blank. If you want to add a description or create an engine variable of another type, you can add it from the Web UI.

The -l or --list option lists the current app properties, without making changes. --el or --engineVarList lists engine variables.

You are prompted to verify if the app should be reconfigured. If you confirm, the overrides are applied and the app is restarted. The verification can be skipped with the -f option.

Note: The bash shell interprets $, ` (backtick), , !, and # on the command line even when enclosed in double quotes. Use single quotes to prevent this, or use a properties file.

For more information on engine variables, see Configuring App Variables.


tibcli app configure [command options] <appName>


Argument Description
appName The name of the app to configure.
<property>=<value> You can optionally specify one or more app properties to override after the appName. Properties are specified with the syntax name=value. Note that you cannot specify app properties as arguments and with the --appVar or --engineVar options in the same command.


Option Description
--appVar <property>=<value>, --av <property>=<value> Specify a single app property to override. You can use multiple --appVar options in the same command.
--engineVar <property>=<value>--ev <property>=<value> Specify a single engine variable to override. You can use multiple --engineVar options in the same command.
--force, -f Force the configuration without confirmation.
--list, -l Show the current configuration of an app, including default and overridden properties.
--engineVarList, --el Show the current configuration of an app's engine variables.
--propfile, -p Applies property overrides defined in a specified file. The name of the property file can be any valid file name.
--quiet, -q Do not produce any output, and immediately return without status updates. The action is completed on the server side.


List all app variables for the app myApp1:

tibcli app configure -l myApp1

List all engine variables for the app myApp1:

tibcli app configure --engineVarList myApp1

Change the configuration for the app myApp1 by overriding prop1 and prop2 with the values "new val" and "new val2" and restart the app:

tibcli app configure myApp1 prop1="new val" prop2="new val2"

Change the configuration for the app myApp1 by overriding prop1 and prop2 with the values "new val" and "new val2" as specified in a file.properties file and restart the app:

tibcli app configure -p file.properties myApp1

Where file.properties is the following:

prop1="new val" prop2="new val2"

Change the configuration for the app myApp1 by overriding name and id with the values "John Smith" and 123 and restart the app:

tibcli app configure --appVar name="John Smith" --appVar id=123 myApp1

Change the logging for app myApp1 by changing the engine variable FLOGO_LOG_LEVEL to WARN and restart the app:

tibcli app configure --engineVar FLOGO_LOG_LEVEL=WARN myApp1

Change both engine variables and app properties in the same command:

tibcli app configure --appVar username=123 --engineVar c_log=INFO myApp1

app copy

Make a copy of an app.


tibcli app copy <appName> <newAppName>


Argument Description
appName The name of the app to copy.
newAppName The new app name.


Option Description
--targetOrg, -t Specify the target organization name.
--impose, -i Passes over all interactions in the command.

You are prompted to verify that you are sure you want to do this.

After an app is copied, it is in the "Stopped" state, and you must scale up instances to make it run.

The app copied is a separate app and independent from the original app. It has a different endpoint and works independently. The new app is owned by the user who made the copy.

Role Requirements

app replace

Replaces an app with another app.


tibcli app replace <sourceAppName> <targetAppName>


Argument Description
SourceAppName The source app to use for the upgrade.
TargetAppName The new app name for the upgraded app.


Option Description
--impose, -i Passes over all interactions in the command.

You are prompted to verify that you are sure you want to do this.

Role Requirements

app delete

Delete the specified app.


tibcli app delete [command options] <appName>


Argument Description
appName The name of the app to delete.


Option Description
--force, -f Force delete the app.
--quiet, -q Do not produce any output, and immediately return without status updates. The action is completed on the server side.


Delete the app myApp1:

tibcli app delete myApp1

app history

Show a history of actions that have occurred related to the specified app. You are shown a history of actions that have taken place such as when an app was pushed, scaled, or updated. This command also displays actions that failed, and the duration of each action.


tibcli app history <appName>


Show the history of the app myApp1:

tibcli app history myApp1

app status

Show the status of any operations in progress for the specified app. This outputs the same status information normally shown during an app operation such as push which was hidden with the --quiet option.


Argument Description
appName The name of the app.


Option Description
--all, -a List all apps for the current user.


Show the status of the app myApp1:

tibcli app status myApp1

app update

Change an app's state, including deployment stage, endpoint visibility, and TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent access key.


tibcli app update <appName> [command options]


Argument Description
appName The name of the app.


Option Description
--deploymentStage <stage>, -d <stage> The stage of app status. <stage> must be draft or live.
--visibility <state>-v <state> The visibility of the app's endpoints. <state> must be public or private.
--accessKey <accessKey>, -a <accessKey> Add a TIBCO Cloud™ - Proxy Agent access key to the app. This connects the app to the TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent running within your network that also uses this access key. If there is an existing access key, it is replaced by the specified access key.
--resetAccessKey, -r Remove TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent access keys from the app.
--impose, -i Pass over all interactions in the command.


Manage monitoring aspects of operations.


monitor applog

Show app logs.


tibcli monitor applog [command options] <appName>


Argument Description
appName The name of the app whose logs are being requested.


Option Description
--beginTime, -b <date/time> The start of the time slot within which the logs are to be collected in the date/time formats described in the Valid Date/Time Formats table.
--endTime, -e <date/time> The end of the time slot within which the logs are to be collected in the date/time formats described in the Valid Date/Time Formats table.
--interval, -n <interval> Choose from one of the predefined time slot intervals: [1m, 5m, 30m, 1h, 12h, 1d, 7d, 30d, -n <interval>0]
--stream, -s Display the last five minutes of app logs, then retrieve app logs continuously in real-time similar to tail -f
Note: In the absence of any specified options, the last hour of app logs or last five minutes for streaming are available.

Valid Date/Time Formats

Format Description
yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM RFC3339 Compliant format.
yyyy-mm-dd Date-Only format. Time defaults to 12:00 AM.
HH:MM Time-Only format. The current date is the default date.


View the last hour of app logs for myApp1:

tibcli monitor applog myApp1

Download the last hour of app logs for myApp1:

tibcli monitor applog myApp1 > myApp1.log

View the logs for myApp1 for the last twelve hours:

tibcli monitor applog --interval 12h myApp1

View the logs for myApp1 from midnight, January 20th to midnight, January 30th:

tibcli monitor applog --beginTime 2021-01-20 --endTime 2021-01-30 myApp1

Stream the logs continually for myApp1:

tibcli monitor applog --stream myApp1


Uploads a BusinessWorks plug-in supplement, or lists all supplements in your organization. If your plug-in requires a supplement, follow the plug-in's documentation to download and package the corresponding supplement.


bwplugin supplement

Upload a supplement archive to your organization.


tibcli bwplugin supplement <name>


Upload a connector supplement for OracleDB:

tibcli bwplugin supplement oracle

bwplugin supplement list

List allBusinessWorks plug-in supplements in your organization.


tibcli bwplugin supplement list


Uploads a Flogo connector supplement, or lists all supplements in your organization. If your connector requires a supplement, follow the connector's documentation to download and package the corresponding supplement.


flogoconnector supplement

Upload a supplement archive to your organization.


tibcli flogoconnector supplement <name>


Upload a connector supplement for Oracle Database:

tibcli flogoconnector supplement OracleDatabase

flogoconnector supplement list

List all connector supplements in your organization.


tibcli flogoconnector supplement list


Uploads a DBService supplement. For design-time the DBService may have to be supplemented.


tibcli dbservice supplement <name>


Displays the TIBCO Cloud Integration End User License Agreement.


tibcli eula


Output the EULA and save to a file named eula.txt:

tibcli eula > eula.txt

Related Topics

Downloading TIBCO Cloud™ Integration Tools

Installing the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface