System Requirements

TIBCO Cloud™ Integration

Supported Web Browsers

Current versions of the following browsers are supported:

Note: The minimum required resolution for the TIBCO Cloud Integration site is 1440x900 pixels.

App Instances

Each app instance on TIBCO Cloud provides the following capacity depending on the capability being used:

Node.js Apps

When running apps locally at design time Node.js version 4 or higher is required. Apps pushed to the cloud run on a Node 12.13 runtime.

TIBCO Flogo® Apps

For TIBCO Flogo® apps, Project 1.6.x runtime is supported.

TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Supported Platforms

Supported Databases for JDBC activity

Note: For connecting to MySQL Server, you can select the MariaDB native driver from Database Driver list.

The TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks product can connect with MariaDB® or MySQL through use of MariaDB® Connector/J, which is subject to free and open source software license terms and available at MariaDB Connector/J is not part of the product and therefore not within the scope of your license for the TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks product. Accordingly, MariaDB Connector/J is not covered by the terms of your agreement with TIBCO, including any terms concerning support, maintenance, or warranties. Download and use of MariaDB Connector/J is solely at your own discretion and subject to the free and open source license terms applicable to MariaDB Connector/J.

Supported TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™ Versions

TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect

TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect requirements vary depending on the type of apps you plan to create and whether the data is on-premise or in the cloud. For additional information see TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect Requirements.

TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface

The machine used to run the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface must meet the following system requirements:

TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent

The on-premise machine used to run the TIBCO Cloud Integration - Hybrid Agent client must meet the following system requirements: