API Modeler Page

The API Modeler page lists all the API specifications imported and created by you. On this page, you can import API specifications or create your own REST APIs.

Item Description
Group API specs can be organized into folders called groups, shown on the left side of the page. The number of APIs in a group is shown in parenthesis next to each group name. Click a group to see the API specs within that group. Click All API specs to see the API specs in every group. Click + to create a new group.
Search Enter a search term to search all API names, versions, and descriptions. Matching APIs are displayed. Searches are case-insensitive and support partial match, but not wild cards. You can also use double quotes around a string to find an exact match.
Remove Select one or more check boxes next to an API, or the top check box to select all APIs, then click Remove to move APIs to the trash.
Create Prompts you for an API name, version, and group and goes to the the Create API Page.
Import Uploads a new API. There are options to Import from filesystem, Import from URL, or Import from Github.
Shortcut menu
The shortcut menu is visible when you are viewing any group other than the default group. It contains the following items:
Trash - View all removed API specifications, and either restore or permanently delete them. A view trash button is shown instead of the shortcut menu if you are viewing the default group. See Managing API Specifications in Trash for more details.
Rename Group - Renames the current group. Note that you cannot rename the Default group.
Delete Group - Removes the current group from the system. Note that you cannot delete the Default group.

For each API entry, the following columns are shown:

Column Description
API Name The name of the API. To edit an existing API, click its API Name to go to the Create API Page for that API.
Version The version of the API.
Description The description of the API.
Group The group that contains the API. This column is only visible when viewing the default group.
Last Modified When the API was last modified.
Preview When you hover over an API entry, a preview action appears. Click to open the Swagger preview of the API.
Shortcut menu See below for items in this menu.

The following items are in the shortcut menu:

Item Description
Create Mock appp Creates a new Mock app for the API.
Go to Mock app Opens the Mock App Details Page for a Mock app created with Create Mock app.
Update Mock app Updates a Mock app created with Create Mock app if you have made changes to the related API.
Generate Node.js code Generates and downloads code stubs for a skeleton Node.js app for the API.
Clone Makes a copy of the API.
Edit Opens the Create API Page to edit that API.
Remove Deletes the API.

Related Topics

Create API Page

App Details Page