On Event Apps

Use On event apps to create integration tasks triggered by calls to the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect API web service. These API calls may be generated by a datastore, if it supports Outbound Messages, or your own source code, if you are building a software application that uses a TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect On event app.

Note: TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect API uses the lower camel case naming convention for JSON data across the endpoints. For example, the convention to write the object holding a last name would be: lastName.

Use On event apps to access data from other applications via the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect API.

Two types of flows are available for On event apps:

Note: Unlike On schedule flows, there are no dependencies between flows in an On event app. Each flow within an On event app runs independently, depending on when an event occurs to trigger a specific flow.

When you configure an On event app, you create an instance of that app that is unique to your Organization. Each TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect app performs one or more integration tasks.

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